About Me

An emaratii teen who has this 'Obsession' with fashion, Nail art & music. I like to take risks in fashion , try new trends. Its just like baking a cake with different flavors. Contact me? Majdalnoaimi@hotmail.com x

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Zihbeh Designs

Ramadan is getting closer & closer. I'm super excited for Ramadan because this month is full of joy & love. The Jalabyas, The food, The Tv Shows, The gatherings<3

Anyways, If you're as excited as I am for Ramdan you have to start looking for Jalabyas to wear for gatherings and special occasions during this holy month. My wonderful Aunt is very creative (Mashallah) so she decided to start a small local business that sells Jalabyas with Kashmir, Silk & many fine cloths through twitter. I'm certainly going to order a few picks because the Jalabyas are beautiful and have such amazing work! You better start ordering because they get sold out in a blink of an eye! Hurry up 

Twitter: @Zihbeh 

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