About Me

An emaratii teen who has this 'Obsession' with fashion, Nail art & music. I like to take risks in fashion , try new trends. Its just like baking a cake with different flavors. Contact me? Majdalnoaimi@hotmail.com x

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ask me anything!

Hey guys,
     so lately my friend persuade me into joining ask.fm & i'm not really a fan of these stuff but honestly it's kinda fun answering weird anonymus questions! If you're curious to know something about me or ever hesitated to ask me you can go for it through my ask.fm & i'll answer it with honesty but i'll never know who you are! Creepy right? that's the funny part! Here you go : http://ask.fm/iamMajd  :D

Style of a youngster

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