About Me

An emaratii teen who has this 'Obsession' with fashion, Nail art & music. I like to take risks in fashion , try new trends. Its just like baking a cake with different flavors. Contact me? Majdalnoaimi@hotmail.com x

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Trend : Statement Skirts (TDF)

What's better than starting your summer with a hot trend going on?  Haven't you noticed all the lates spring/summer collections of your fav shop either having printed pants/skirts or long skirts? I'm adoring this trend, I find it extremely appropriate for summer & definitely wearable!  The colors are gorgeous and pairing those skirts with a plain shirt or even pairing it with a different kind of print shirt! Love love love!!!!! Couldn't be any more excited for summer! Just 2 weeks ahead of me and I'm over with the stress! Good luck to all my fashionista's facing their finals out-there xx

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