About Me

An emaratii teen who has this 'Obsession' with fashion, Nail art & music. I like to take risks in fashion , try new trends. Its just like baking a cake with different flavors. Contact me? Majdalnoaimi@hotmail.com x

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jasmine Tea

When I got to hang out with my 3 besties at R's place, We drank Jasmine tea and it was my 1st time to drink it! It tastes and smells like jasmine, so yummy. I think I'm going to get addicted from it since i thought of buying a packet <3 

Check out the Japanese symbols on R's nails! So cute!

What I wore, it was a very casual day so i picked this comfy sweater! Its funny how i always wear this chanel bag when i post pictures on my blog! Haha.

PS. Hope you get to try Jasmine tea if you still did not! :D 

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