About Me

An emaratii teen who has this 'Obsession' with fashion, Nail art & music. I like to take risks in fashion , try new trends. Its just like baking a cake with different flavors. Contact me? Majdalnoaimi@hotmail.com x

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nail Tutorial #1

How to apply 'Space sky' nail polish in just a few minutes? Easy Peesy!  What you will need: 
 - Black Nail-polish or Dark blue (Has to be dark & gloomy)
 - Green or light blue nail polish
 - Pink nail polish
 - Glitter transparent nail polish
 -  Cotton earbuds 

1st - Apply black or blue nail polish (Sorry for the mess) :P

2nd- Smudge it with the earbud in circles (Not too hard though)

3rd- Add a small amount of pink in the smudged area

4th - Smudge it again

5th - Add a bit of green in the smudged area (NOT TOO MUCH)

6th- Smudge again but this time very smoothly

7th - wait for the nail polish to dry. then add glitter all over it.


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